Railway construction projects require accurate information on the rail corridor to progress design activities, support construction staging, and meet contractual obligations for dilapidation and completions.
Challenges that projects can face include:
Unsuitable network information
Network information maintained by a railway will rarely suit your project’s needs leading to design and staging risks. This can result in costly revisions and delays.
Protecting Corridor Assets
Access to the rail corridor for dilapidation surveys is limited. As client requirements evolve towards high resolution visualisations, contractors need proven solutions that can operate at scale.
Meeting Completions Requirements
Completions requirements present significant risks to construction firms. Failure to meet existing data conventions can result in delays in final acceptance.
Working With Common Data
Achieving a common data environment early on will reduce rework and improve throughout across teams.
How We Can Help
- Our MLS and infill surveys address design, dilapidation and completions risks.
- Our visualisation solutions allow teams to work within a common data environment.
- Our visualisation solutions store pre and post construction dilapidation surveys.
- Our experts work help ensure that completions requirements are met.
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Why Work With Us
We routinely help Tier 1 construction firms navigate the unique data requirements of railway construction projects.
We leverage the latest advancements in LiDAR technology to provide solutions that meet the demands of railway construction projects.
We are dedicated to delivering high-quality, reliable geospatial solutions to support successful rail construction projects.
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