11, 2021

In preparation for the commissioning of a new track inspection vehicle and to realise an update to the Melbourne rail network asset inventory, MTM has partnered with Agonics to perform a whole of network MLS survey. The survey commenced in September 2020 during Melbourne’s strict midyear lockdown with the project teams implementing comprehensive COVID safe protocols. Since then we have completed recording across 880 km of complex inner city and suburban rail network and have processed what are arguably the most accurate LiDAR and imagery datasets ever recorded on the network.

Similar to our other rail network clients, the LiDAR and imagery datasets are being made available to MTM through the easy-to-use AIMS3D Viewer supporting internal projects and day to day maintenance and operations. The datasets being delivered will also play a critical role in the commissioning of a new track recording vehicle that is currently undergoing testing in Melbourne.

The new vehicle will avail of digital track centrelines produced by the MLS project so that geometry and other infrastructure defects can be accurately and repeatedly referenced in MTM’s maintenance systems. To ensure compatibility between data and systems and, most importantly measurement reporting repeatability, the track centrelines delivered by Agonics have been translated by us into the ENSCO track database that feeds localisation content to the various systems and reports generated by the IEV120. Establishing this new, authoritative track centreline database inclusive of speed limits, crossovers and turnout topology to an absolute accuracy of 100mm has ensured the smooth commissioning of the new vehicle.