02, 2024

Recently, we completed a Mobile Laser Survey (MLS) across the Carmichael Rail Network on behalf of Bowen Rail Company. This project featured our new MLS system, which seamlessly integrates LiDAR with high resolution panoramic imagery of the rail corridor. Despite two cyclone events, the close collaboration between the teams ensured minimal impact to train operations and zero incidents.

Corridor datasets are made available to Bowen Rail via our cutting edge XERRA platform, the rail industry’s leading LiDAR and imagery visualisation platform, to support Bowen Rail’s maintenance and operations.

As an additional downstream use of the MLS datasets we have now also provided ballast compliance reports to Bowen Rail. These reports leverage the Agonics XERRA Ballast Module, which has been configured to the Carmichael Rail Network. This additional use case for LiDAR demonstrates that higher returns on investment are possible when clients can achieve benefits that extend beyond the original survey.

Are you interested in how our services can help in your next projects? Get in touch.